Juridice.ro cited at http://www.juridice.ro/425382/gabriela-milcev-nu-mai-avem-niste-norme-de-interpretare-a-dispozitiilor-legale.html some comments made by Gabriela Milcev regarding the change in Romanian PTO’s approach of trademarks examination. Even the Law no.84/ 1998 regarding trademarks was changed since 2010, Romanian PTO, due to a faulty interpretation, applied the Law as no change would have been intervene.

The examination of the relative grounds for refusal was still applied by Romanian PTO even the Law says otherwise. From January 14th, 2016 Romanian PTO decided “to return” to the letter and the spirit of the Law and to analyze the trademarks registration conditions only regarding absolute grounds of refusal.

The trademarks owners has to diligently watch their registered trademarks in order to actively oppose to any attempt to register something similar by third parties.